HE-881 8.4″ 600w Sounder $799 Brochure
This has a 3-pin connector for use with the 600w 50/200 TD26 Hondex transducer or older single frequency Hondex transducers, making it a simple upgrade for customers moving up from vintage Hondex sounders. This also has an optional bottom hardness graph for a new way to understand hardness.
HE-775di 10.4″ 600w-3kw Digital Sounder $1499 Brochure
This has a 5-pin connector for use with 1kw and bigger 50/200 Hondex transducers. The digital features allow different gain settings for simultaneous display and adjusting sounder gain after data is recorded and displayed.
HE-7300-WB-BO 10.4″ Digital Sounder. 1-5kw and 28-200khz depending on transducer $1,899 Brochure
This has a 5-pin connector for use with 1kw and bigger Hondex transducers. The digital features allow different gain settings for simultaneous display and adjusting sounder gain after data is recorded and displayed.
This is a step up from the HE-775DI for these reasons: Bonded glass screen for better looking display, Adjustable frequency for transducers that support it (such as special transducers or CHIRP transducers), and providing hardness data output to NMEA for computer bottom recording systems.
HE-773-DI Sonar – Digital Multiscan Echosounder Brochure
$3600 with manual hoist and 290khz transducer
$3800 with manual hoist and 140-240khz transducer
Optional electric hoist $1200 to retract scanning transducer when display is turned off. This can scan for fish in the water around the boat at up to four different angles at the same time, showing distance, direction, and angle to the fish. In the northeast it is used to catch bait fish. Optional remote for $150.
All sounders operate on wide input (11-35v) DC voltage and (except for sonar) output depth data on a NMEA0183 port for integration with other marine electronics.